Thursday, March 31, 2011

.Gif-in' Around

made these for some friends :)

this one's for Crystal

the .gif on this one came out crappy for some reason. here's what it should have looked like:

aaand this one's for Judy, who's an awesome mom to two very beautiful ladies [whom i know as well]  :)

happy birthday!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


To my one and only sis, caRO!
Hope ya have the bestest day ever, even though you're working and going to night school tonight. NERD!
I shouldn't be talking ish tho...I went to work and kung fu on my actual birfday.

Yes, we are derks.

My CT has recently introduced me to the genius that is Michael Gira (Swans and The Angels of Light). Saw him perform last night. WOWza